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Basic and Clinical Neuroscience

Volume 15, Number 3 (2024-5)

Investigating Combined Balance Training and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for the Recovery of Postural Control Following Chronic Stroke: A Study Protocol
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Peer-mediated Social Signals Alter Risk Tolerance in Teenage Boys Depending on their Peers
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Feature Extraction With Stacked Autoencoders for EEG Channel Reduction in Emotion Recognition
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Introducing a New Method for Studying the Effects of Movement Synchrony in Virtual Reality
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

fMRI-Based Multi-class DMDC Model Efficiently Decodes the Overlaps between ASD and ADHD
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Investigating Olfactory Sensory Neurons Facilitation For Aerobic Exercise-induced Spatial Memory Improvement
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The Effects of IGF1 and MGF on Neural Stem Cells in Hypoxic Conditions
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Generation of Human-induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived From Dermal Fibroblast of Schizophrenic Patients
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Temporal Dynamics of Neural Response to Drug Cues in abstinent Methamphetamine Users
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Comparing Various Types of Chronic Psychological Stress on Cognitive Functions and Behaviors in Rats
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Cognitive Rehabilitation for Adult Patients With Obsessive-compulsive Disorder: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Effect of Controlling the Cardiovascular Risk Factors on the Cognitive Decline Prevention in the Elderly: A Systematic Review
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

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