Mourad I M, Noor N A, Mohammed H S, Aboul Ezz H S, Khadrawy Y A. A Neurochemical and Electrophysiological Study on the Combined Effects of Caffeine and Nicotine in the Cortex of Rats. BCN 2021; 12 (5) :681-692
1- Department of Zoology, School of Science, Cairo University, Egypt.
2- Department of Biophysics, School of Science, Cairo University, Egypt.
3- Department of Medical Physiology, Medical Division, National Research Center, Egypt.
Introduction: Caffeine and nicotine are the most widely consumed psychostimulants worldwide. Although the effects of each drug alone on the central nervous system have been studied extensively, the literature on the neurochemical and electrophysiological effects of their combined treatments is scarce. The present study investigated the cortical electrophysiological and neurochemical alterations induced by acute administration of caffeine and nicotine in rats.
Methods: The rats received caffeine and nicotine at a 1-hour interval between the two treatments.
Results: Caffeine and nicotine administration resulted in a significant decrease in the concentrations of cortical amino acid neurotransmitters, namely glutamate, aspartate, glycine, and taurine, while γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) significantly increased. Increased cortical lipid peroxidation and reduced glutathione and nitric oxide levels and acetylcholinesterase and Na⁺/K⁺-ATPase activities were also observed. The Electroencephalogram (EEG) showed an increase in delta frequency power band, whereas theta, beta-1, and beta-2 decreased after caffeine and nicotine treatment.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that caffeine and nicotine adversely exacerbate their stimulant effects manifested by the EEG changes mediated by increasing cholinergic transmission and disturbing the balance between the excitatory and inhibitory amino acids leading to oxidative stress.
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● Caffeine and nicotine decreased cortical gluatamte, aspartate, glycine and taurine.
● GABA increased following caffeine and nicotine co-treatment
● Caffeine and nicotine co-treatment reduced AChE and Na,K,ATPase activities.
● Caffeine and nicotine induced oxidative stress in the cerebral cortex.
● EEG recordings showed increased delta and decreased theta and beta frequencies.
Plain Language Summary
Caffeine and nicotine are the two most widely used mood-altering stimulants. This study was carried out because numerous people take both nicotine and caffeine together especially in the early morning. When both stimulants were taken together they affected amino acid neurotransmitter release and caused cortical excitation. They increased reactive oxygen species and induced oxidative stress. The combination of caffeine and nicotine also reduced AChE and Na, K-ATPase activities. The EEG was also changed after the combined treatment. It may be suggested that the abuse of both caffeine and nicotine produce serious adverse effects on the nervous system.
Type of Study:
Original |
Cellular and molecular Neuroscience Received: 2019/10/15 | Accepted: 2020/07/5 | Published: 2021/09/1