Basic and Clinical Neuroscience

Aims and Scope:

  BCN is an international multidisciplinary journal that publishes editorials, original full-length research articles, short communications, reviews, methodological papers, commentaries, perspectives and “news and reports” in the broad fields of developmental, molecular, cellular, system, computational, behavioral, cognitive, and clinical neuroscience. No area in the neural related sciences is excluded from consideration, although priority is given to studies that provide applied insights into the functioning of the nervous system. BCN aims to advance our understanding of organization and function of the nervous system in health and disease, thereby improving the diagnosis and treatment of neural-related disorders. Manuscripts submitted to BCN should describe novel results generated by experiments that were guided by clearly defined aims or hypotheses. BCN aims to provide serious ties in interdisciplinary communication, accessibility to a broad readership inside Iran and the region and also in all other international academic sites, effective peer review process, and independence from all possible non-scientific interests. BCN also tries to empower national, regional and international collaborative networks in the field of neuroscience in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa and to be the voice of the Iranian and regional neuroscience community in the world of neuroscientists. In this way, the journal encourages submission of editorials, review papers, commentaries, methodological notes and perspectives that address this scope.

Basic and Clinical Neuroscience

 Official Publication of Iran University of Medical Sciences

& Iranian Neuroscience Society

 In Collaboration With:

  Tehran University of Medical Sciences

  Neuroscience Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

  Shahed University

  Neuroscience Research center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences

  Iranian Drug Control Headquarter

  Iranian Neuroscientists Community (IRNSC)

 Chairman and Editor-in-Chief:
Joghatei, Ph.D., Professor of Neuroanatomy, Iran University of Medical Sciences

 P-ISSN: 2008-126X
 E-ISSN: 2228-7442
 Frequency: Bimonthly (Since 2017)


BCN is indexed:

Web of Science, PubMed Central, Scopus, Psychinfo,  DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Ebsco, Google Scholar, Ulrich , SID, Magiran, IranMedex, ISC


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