Instructions for Referees

 The acceptability of contributions to BCN for publications rests primarily on their quality. Any work that has not, in the main, been previously published (including insights, corrections or substantial additions to previously reported results) in a journal or a book may be acceptable. The title, abstract, introduction and conclusions should make the novelty and importance of the work apparent to readers at the widest possible level, whilst the body of the work maintains the technical integrity necessary to inform specialist readers of the precise nature of the results reported. In addition to novelty, papers should satisfy criteria related to reader interest, technical content, clarity, grammatical correctness and overall presentation. Your detailed comments will be returned to the author. Referees should differentiate between minor revisions, which will not be returned to referees; major revisions, which will be returned to referees, and rejects. In the event that a major revision is recommended, it is expected that the author will be guided by detailed constructive criticisms and suggestions provided by the referee; the revision is resubmitted to BCN, the same reviewers will be asked to referee the revised manuscript.

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