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Basic and Clinical Neuroscience

Volume 5, Number 4 (2014-11)

Modulation of Different Phases of Formalin Test by Force Swim Stress
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Microinjection of WIN55,212-2 as a Cannabinoid Agonist into the Basolateral Amygdala Induces Sensitization to Morphine in Rats
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Brain Tissues Oxidative Damage as a Possible Mechanism of Deleterious Effects of Propylthiouracil- Induced Hypothyroidism on Learning and Memory in Neonatal and Juvenile Growth in Rats
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

The Effectiveness of Neurofeedback on Enhancing Cognitive Process Involved in Entrepreneurship Abilities among Primary School Students in District No.3 Tehran
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Anxiolytic-like Effects and Increase in Locomotor Activity Induced by Infusions of NMDA into the Ventral Hippocampus in Rat: Interaction with GABAergic System
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Neural Correlates of Boredom in Music Perception
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Reliability and Validity of Bedside Version of Persian WAB (P-WAB-1)
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

Modulatory Effects of Dopamine D2 Receptors on Spreading Depression in Rat Somatosensory Neocortex
| [Abstract-EN] | [PDF-FA] | [XML] |

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