1- Multiple Sclerosis Research Center, Neuroscience Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Introduction: To assess the opinion of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) on the outcomes of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) and its effects on MS symptoms if they catch coronavirus. A cross-sectional study was performed.
Methods: Considering the study objectives, a questionnaire was designed and prepared as a Google Form for MS patients for one week.
Results: A total of 148 MS patients with an average age of 35.73 years completed the questionnaire. The most important concern of the participants was “a high prevalence of COVID-19” following by the “MS symptoms worsening”. Many participants (35%) believed that, if they catch COVID-19 they will be cured. However, the treatment will take more time for them in comparison with the general population. About 39.8% of the patients stated that COVID-19 infection does not affect the MS symptom, but others noted that, it can cause relapse (30.8%) or worsen MS symptoms (29.3%).
Conclusion: This study revealed that MS patients are more anxious about the effects of COVID-19 on their underlying disease rather than the infection itself.
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● This study evaluated the opinion of patients with MS on the outcomes of COVID-19 and its effects on MS symptoms.
● The most important concern of the participants was “a high prevalence of COVID-19” following by the “MS symptoms worsening”.
● This study revealed that MS patients are anxious about the effects of COVID-19 on their underlying disease.
Plain Language Summary
Due to the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 and the increased risk of infection in MS patients, we conducted a cross-sectional study to assess the major concerns of MS patients in this regard. A total of 148 MS patients with a mean age of 35.73 years were enrolled in this study and completed the designed form. Although death was thought to be the main concern of COVID-19 patients, our study showed that the high prevalence of the disease and the worsening of MS disease due to COVID-19 infection were the major concerns of MS patients. According to the answers to the third question, more than 60% of patients believed that COVID-19 could induce MS attack or worsen their disease process.Relapsing-remitting MS patients typically experience the stable state of their disease and were more worried about the high prevalence of COVID-19, while the most concern of primary progressive MS participants was the worsening of MS disease due to COVID-19 infection, maybe due to progressive nature of their underlying disease. They were mostly concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on MS rather than the disease itself.
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Commentary |
Behavioral Neuroscience Received: 2020/04/25 | Accepted: 2020/06/13 | Published: 2020/06/14