Volume 7, Issue 4 (Autumn 2016 -- 2016)                   BCN 2016, 7(4): 351-360 | Back to browse issues page

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R. Nayak A, D. Shekhawat S, H. Lande N, P. Kawle A, P. Kabra D, H. Chandak N, et al . Incidence and Clinical Outcome of Patients with Hypertensive Acute Ischemic Stroke: An Update from Tertiary Care Center of Central India. BCN 2016; 7 (4) :351-360
URL: http://bcn.iums.ac.ir/article-1-839-en.html
1- Biochemistry Research Centre, Central India Institute of Medical Sciences, Maharashtra, India
2- MDS Bio-Analytics Private Limited, First Floor, Sakar Enclave, 127, Shankar Nagar, Nagpur: 440010, Maharashtra, India.

Introduction: We evaluated the incidence and clinical outcome of patients with hypertensive acute ischemic stroke (AIS) admitted to a tertiary care center in Central India. In addition, we examined the status of stroke biomarkers namely neuron-specific enolase (NSE), glial specific protein (S-100ββ), and inter-α-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 4(ITIH4) in the serum of patients suffering from AIS with hypertension (HTN) and without HTN.
Methods: A total of 104 patients with AIS were enrolled for the study. Clinical outcome and stroke biomarker levels were evaluated in them at the time of hospital discharge and then followed at 12 months and 18 months after hospital discharge. 
Results: HTN is a major risk factor associated with 67%(70.104) of patients with AIS. Multivariate analysis suggests higher odds of 4.088(95%Cl, 0.721–23.179) and 2.437(95%Cl, 0.721–23.179) for 12 and 18 months outcome in patients with AIS and HTN, respectively. Serum NSE and S-100ββ decreased at the time of discharge as compared to admission level in improved patients suffering from AIS with or without HTN, whereas levels of ITIH4 peptides 2 and 7 increased at the time of discharge (compared to its admission level) only in improved patients with AIS regardless of HTN or non-HTN condition.
Conclusion: HTN is one of the major risk factors associated with higher risk of AIS as well as long-term unfavourable outcome after AIS in Central India region. NSE, S-100ββ, and ITIH4 were found to be independent predictors of outcome in patients with AIS irrespective of HTN and non-HTN condition.

Type of Study: Original | Subject: Behavioral Neuroscience
Received: 2016/02/11 | Accepted: 2016/07/30 | Published: 2016/10/1

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